Reading the Wind and Coaching Techniques – Book


Jim teaches how to compensate for the effects of the wind.

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Reading the Wind and Coaching Techniques

Reading the wind and coaching techniques – When reading the wind as a competition shooter you can control many things, but you cannot control the wind conditions. To excel in any outdoor shooting sport you will need to learn how to compensate for the effects of the wind.

Written by Master Sergeant Jim Owens, his 20+ years of Marine Corps Shooting Team experience will give you the knowledge to read, judge, and adjust for the wind – in any type of rifle competition. In his shooting career, he’s earned 3 Bronze Legs, 1 Silver Leg, 1 Gold Leg, and a Distinguished Badge. He’s a High Master and a member of the 495 Club. Jim has the knowledge and loves to share that.

Since retiring as a M/SGT in 1986, Jim’s been actively engaged in promoting excellence in the sport and civilian participation in Competitive High Power Shooting.

Jim’s book presents a simple system for judging the speed, direction, and value of the wind. You’ll learn to read the mirage, how to accurately read the range flag, estimate wind speed, wind strategies, effects on the bullet, and much more. The coaching techniques section will help your own performance and that of others when shooting in the wind. Also included are 22 sets of wind charts for both Across the Coarse and Long Range. There are 80 wind charts in total.


Reading the Wind and Coaching Techniques

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"Reading the Wind and Coaching Techniques" Book
Average rating:  
 5 reviews
 by Lincassable


3.0 out of 5 stars Well

Reviewed in France on August 23, 2016

Verified Purchase

In English, soft cover.
The author is a reference in the field.
The explanations and information are clear, pay attention to units and conversion to get the subject right and put it into practice.
Presence of illustrations in the book.
At least one reference that deals properly with this topic. Connoisseur public!

 by Vera Carter
Excellent information and advice

Vera Carter

4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent information and advice.

Reviewed in Canada on January 25, 2015

Verified Purchase

Discussion on mirage reading is relevant for any precision rifle shooter. Wind doping is a complicated topic -- Jim Owens explains it simply and accurately. Follow his techniques and improve your marksmanship.

 by tinhat
Kindle version very useful


5.0 out of 5 stars Kindle version v useful

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 23, 2015

Verified Purchase

Best book on the subject I have come across so far.
Helped me a lot with some issues I had.
Very useful to have as an ibook

 by Stephen K.
Everything you need to know to beat the wind.

Stephen K.


5.0 out of 5 stars Everything you need to know to beat the wind.

Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2020

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I have been shooting long range (Rem 700 LR 300 RUM) for several years and regulary had first round hits on clay pigeons at 550 yds. However, with the wind blowing, not so much. Most times I would just not go shooting. I had no clue where to start to overcome any wind conditions. Thought some magic was needed to send that bullet on target. I saw this book on a shooting forum and I thought "hey, what the heck, buy it." And I am soooo glad I did. M/Sgt Owens provided the knowledge needed to "make the wind your friend" not something to SWAG about. The info was presented in a clear and easy way that you can't help but learn this stuff. After 10 or so pages, I kew this guy was going to improve my wind reading skills more than I could have imagined. Fantastic stuff. The wind charts provided don't really pertain to me, but how to click for the wind.......fantastic. M/Sgt Owens, thank you so much for sharing. And thank you for your service.

 by TolkienFan
Useful information but short



4.0 out of 5 stars Useful information but short...

Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2015

Verified Purchase

This is the second of Jim Owens' books that I have purchased. I really liked the first one  Sight Alignment, Trigger Control & The Big Lie  because it was more than just a rehash of basic rifle marksmanship. A lot of good information in that one... This one is useful as well. The study of wind and the necessary corrections could fill a small encyclopedia. This book touches on the basics and relies on a lot of first hand experience. It is well written and reads easily. It is about 170 pages long, of which about 75 pages are actual text related to the issue of "Reading the Wind". The balance of the book is a series of tables dedicated to wind drift charts. The charts are based on specific calibers and specific bullets which may or may not hold any value for you specifically. The calibers covered are .223; .308; 6.5-284; 6.5-08; and .300 Win Mag. Each of these have a few select bullets and loads with the corresponding drift tables. The usefulness of these tables is completely dependent on whether or not you shoot those particular bullets and loads.....

So, at least for me, the usefulness of this book is contained entirely in the first 75 pages or so. The text covers wind problems and ways to sort through it, with an emphasis on deciphering wind and coaching shooters. I suspect that most readers of this book will be interested in learning how to "read" wind. The actual coaching aspects, while interesting, are somewhat less useful to most "shooters".

Having said that, I DO recommend this book. There is a lot of experience here. If you read carefully (and probably several times..) I think you will find many nuggets worth mining. I don't think it is necessarily the "answer" for someone trying to learn how to read the wind. I say this because I don't think any one person or method can be so unified or impactful so as to preclude further learning. I personally have found several good books on wind. This particular one is useful. is it the "best".?? Probably not, but I am happy to have discovered it and pleased to have it in my collection.

Four stars for a nicely written text that is understandable and useful. While mostly anecdotal, the experience of the author makes it a good read.

This is an Amazon review from back in 2015. Since then the book has had a complete makeover with better pictures.


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