Novice high power starting point

Novice high power starting point

Novice high power starting point 
I’m looking into high power competition. I need opinions on the very best brass,bullets,powder and primers to use. I have a .308 Blaser sporter w/a 26″ barrel. I would like opinions….. please…. on the best, not an essay on ” all weapons are different”. Just need a starting point of what you veteran shooters have found to be your favorite components for shooting/reloading for PINPOINT accuracy. Any manufacturer of the above individual components that stands above the others.,etc.Thank you. Ric

Novice high power starting point 
Highpower is more of a position game than an accuracy game. A 1 moa load and rifle will clean the targets at all distances. Yes, an accurate rifle will get you some points, but a good solid position will get you even more and put you at the top of the pile. First thing I would recommend is that you get a rulebook. It will save you a lot of time and maybe some money. Go to for an NRA rulebook and if you plan on shooting service rifle. It is money well spent.

Novice high power starting point 
Ric, Well all weapons are different, however any .308 will shoot the Sierra 168 Matchking well!! I use 43 gr. IMR 4064, Fed. 210m primer and Winchester brass. Most rifles will shoot the 168 with 40 to 41.5gr. IMR 4895 with any primer and any brass well enough. Since you asked… I think the .308BR (small primer pocket) brass that Remington used to make is the best, but it’s expensive and very hard to find. But in the beginning don’t worry about all that mess, the 10 rings at 200/300yds. is 7″ wide…think about loads after you can hit it consistently. If you’ll email me your address I’ll mail you a “new shooter” package that I put together last year. Also check out….. it offers some good basic info on course shooting. Best of luck, Rusty ([email protected])